Other Important Roles

  • Lisa Basile


  • Pat Beattie

    Masterpoint Secretary, Chief Scorer, Grants

    • 0434 332 098
  • Paul Brake

    Website Manager, MyABF and Pianola

    • 0490 117 482
  • Connie Cassar

    Catering/Kitchen - special events

  • Trevor Fletcher

    Grants, Bridgemate maintenance

  • John Glennie

    Compscore support, Bridgemate maintenance

  • Penny Grace

    Membership Secretary

  • Odette Hall

    Zone Committee

  • Cheryl Hensel


  • Alan Kestenberg

    Congress Convever, Sponsorship, Annual Diary

    • 0421 329 998
  • Lorraine Twyford


  • Liz Linderman

    Raffles, Decorations

  • Peter Lester

    Peter is the club's only worker paid on commercial rates. He does a wonderful job of internal cleaning, maintaining our garden, our sausage sizzle and numerous other jobs around the club

  • Cheryl Millar

    Member's Welfare, Diary Daily Winners

    • 0409 879 081
  • Dot Piddington

    Recorder, bidding boxes cleaning

    • 0418 887 806
  • Sonya Palfreyman

    Zone Committee

  • Margaret Pisko

    Zone Committee

  • Joanna Reid

    Advertising, Marketing & Media, Facebook

  • Juliet Rogers

    Catering/Kitchen - special events

  • Tom Strong

    Zone Committee

  • Julie Wicks

    Newsletter Editor, Key Register, Manuals of Procedure

  • Kerry Wood


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